Current H!GhL!Ght @ the S.C....


...we UPSET our BiGGEST RiVAL, the Central Dutch in a nervewracking, but AMAZiNG football game last Saturday!

It was a COLD, COLD day, but the STORM was HOT...we went ahead 17-7; Central fought back to tie it (thankfully we held 'em to only a field goal) & the game went in to OT. We scored on a 2nd down 25 yard pass. Then on Central's 2nd down, STORM senior Tim Stover INTERCEPTED it to WiN 24-17! The fact that it was AT CENTRAL made the win even better.

I wish I could see the replay! :D

This was the PERFECT end to a 7-3 season & PERFECT beginning to a new SiMPSON STORM was very special for the seniors, the NEW coaching staff, the 8 SPiRiTED shirtless guys cheering on a freezing day, & the entire SiMPSON community.

READ The Des Moines Register article here.
READ the SiMPSON press release here.
CHECK OUT photos from the game here.
APPLY to SiMPSON for FREE here.
Be a STORM athlete here.

Which of these SiMPSON May Term 2009 trips abroad would YOU like to join?

What is your favorite part of college life, or the thing you look forward to the most?

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"mOnKeYiNg" around

So, yesterday I learned that I have more similarities to a chimpanzee than I have differences.

Hmm...not exactly something I expected to learn, let alone on the job! :P

I was so fascinated by the Simpson "field trip" up to the Great Ape Trust in Des Moines. I am amazed at the intelligence of the Great Apes and how quickly they're disappearing from our world! All of the Great Apes on Earth could fill 3 football fields & are too scattered for much reproduction to occur. How sad. :(

Why did Simpson & the Admissions Staff go learn about large monkeys you ask?!

Well, the Trust is creating a collaboration with Simpson for our students to intern or help scientists with research - pretty cool, huh? Actually, one of our '07 Simpson grads who double majored in psychology & philosophy is now working for the Great Ape Trust full-time. I'm so excited for such a great opportunity for our students!

During our little aDvEnTuRe, which felt a little incomplete without cargo pants, sack lunches & a walking stick, included a presentation about the place, the place's conservation, characteristics of different apes and then we headed out to see the big guys in action...communicating with their caretakers & scientists, understanding English, watching our every move & much to the presenter's surprise...even mating during our visit - LOL! I was absolutely left in awe at how very bright Great Apes really are!

The coolest thing about this place is how kindly the animals are treated...they aren't forced to do anything they don't want to & they make sure all their needs are met.

What exactly is the purpose at Iowa's Great Ape Trust:
Great Ape Trust of Iowa, formerly known as Iowa Primate Learning Sanctuary, is a world-class research center dedicated to providing sanctuary and an honorable life for great apes, studying the intelligence of great apes, advancing conservation of great apes and providing unique educational experiences about great apes. Located in southeast Des Moines on 200 acres of lowlands, river forest and lakes, Great Ape Trust will be among the largest great ape facilities in North America and one of the first worldwide to include all four types of great ape: bonobos, gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans.

Meet a Few of My New Hairy Buddies

Name: Azy (Orangutan)
Birthday: December 14, 1977
Favorite Food: Fruit juice & cooked onions
Favorite Toy: Blue barrel
Favorite Companion: Knobi
Favorite Activity: Naptime under a box
Where He's From: Wasington D.C.'s National Zoo of the Smithsonian
Weight: 270 lbs.
Arm Span: Over 8 feet! (Sorry Michael Jordan!)

Name: Kanzi (Bonobo)
Birthday: October 28, 1980

Favorite Food: Onions
Favorite Game: Chase
Favorite Toy: Red ball
Where He's From: Georgia State University's Language Research Center
Vocabulary: More than 500 words!
Note: He has played the piano with Paul McCartney & Peter Gabriel!
Name: Nathan
Birthday: June 18, 2000
Favorite Food: Grapes
Favorite Toy: Stuffed Animals
Favorite Game: Tickle
Born to Panbanisha & P-Suke at the Great Ape Trust

See how YOU can make a difference in preserving the life of our Great Apes:

Did You Know?

'07 Simpson Psychology/Sociology Double Major & Storm Volleyball Player Tiffany Everding was awarded one of only twenty-nine presitigious NCAA postgraduate scholarships.

"The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality."
- Schopenhauer

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